Old House
The two pictures will show before and after comparison of a home we are in the process of remodeling.
On the first picture we show the front of house as it was before. At left we have the garage, then in middle are the living room with windows overlooking out onto small courtyard with main entry recessed on right wall close to bedrooms – red door. Note the window “shutters” on sides and minimal effects on walls. The front of house had a concrete driveway with open parking for up to 4 cars and small grassy areas on either side.
New House
The new home with upgraded landscape shows the added porch over driveway. Pavers replaced concrete driveway and a wall surrounded the property with a custom fence. Pop-outs give depth to windows and the finished stucco is smooth. matching colors were applied to different areas of walls fro contrast. The landscape is more lush with additional plants and trees over what existed before.
New Look